
Posts Tagged ‘eggy wegg’

The eggs! They just continue to fascinate. I started to crack one this morning and instead I made a jack-o-lantern. Actually, an EGG-O-LANTERN.

The shell had cracked and fallen off but the inner membrane remained intact. (Honestly, such a week of egg weirdness!) You shine the light through and the delicate creature glows in perfect Halloween style.

I was almost expecting to hear ‘Ode to Joy’ erupt into my own personal movie soundtrack, I was so excited. Speaking of the old Ludwig Van, let’s visit Alex in A Clockwork Orange and see what one ought to do with all these mysterious egg-like creatures:


What’s that, Alex? Smash them? How terribly anti-social of you! Now be a good boy and take your pills. There you are. All better then?


Here are a few more of my photos of the lovely Eggy Wegg. I’m curious if you like them, so click that button on your favorites:


Do you look for beauty in the mundane?


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